IWTS-Standard - The Website Security Certification


The FdWB (Fachverband deutscher Webseiten-Betreiber or Association of German Website Operators), as the standard provider of website certifications, is a member of the Alliance for Cyber Security, a project of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and has developed the website certification standard together with experts in the field, which is issued by an independent, state-accredited certification body. This standard stands for... read more

The website certification standard International Website Trust Standard (IWTS), is the first certification of websites that simultaneously examines cyber security, compliance with data protection regulations, ownership and identification obligations, and user-friendliness.

Benefit multiple times from the certification and strengthen your reputation in your company presentation.

Sicherheit für BesucherSicherer vor Abmahnungen – Sicherer vor Cyber-Attacken 

Use the reputation enhancement for your company with a visible seal on your website.

The website certification by the Association of German Website Operators (FdWB; Fachverband deutscher Webseiten-Betreiber) is recognized and valuable because it is the first complex certification standard for websites that is independently verified by a state-accredited certification body.

There are many public warnings and admonitions against cyber-crime and dangers on the Internet. The IWTS seal helps you to achieve more security. It is easy to implement. The IWTS certification is also an important step towards eliminating legal and security deficits.

With this you practice signal effect for security on the Internet. An exemplary action, which you can show directly to the user and end user on your website.

The website certification standard International Website Trust Standard (IWTS), is the first certification of websites that simultaneously examines cyber security, compliance with data protection regulations, ownership and identification obligations, and user-friendliness.

Benefit multiple times from the certification and strengthen your reputation in your company presentation.

Security for visitors - Safer from warnings - Safer from cyber attacks

Use the reputation enhancement for your company with a visible seal on your website.

The website certification by the Association of German Website Operators (FdWB; Fachverband deutscher Webseiten-Betreiber) is recognized and valuable because it is the first complex certification standard for websites that is independently verified by a state-accredited certification body.

There are many public warnings and admonitions against cyber-crime and dangers on the Internet. The IWTS seal helps you to achieve more security. It is easy to implement. The IWTS certification is also an important step towards eliminating legal and security deficits.

With this you practice signal effect for security on the Internet. An exemplary action, which you can show directly to the user and end user on your website.

Introduction to the IWTS-Standard
Standard FOUR in ONE

Introduction to the IWTS-Standard

The International Website Trust Standard was created according to ISO standards. Together with Dr. Friedel, the head of the Control Union Academy, and the Fachverband deutscher Webseiten-Betreiber (Association of German Website Operators), the IWTS certification program has been developed, which precisely defines all relevant contents, processes and regulations of the certification.
The IWTS certification for websites
Accredited external audit

The IWTS certification for websites

The International Website Trust Standard certifies websites (also referred to as web page) in four different areas of security. This means that users and end consumers can generally expect the highest possible level of trust in these websites and their website operators.
Show that your website is secure!
IWTS Certification

Show that your website is secure!

The IWTS certification makes a significant contribution to security on the internet. All parties involved benefit from this. Both the website operators, who are helped by the security standard to set up and display their website in conformity with the law, and the users and end consumers, who thus enjoy a high level of security.

Introduction to the IWTS-Standard

The International Website Trust Standard was created according to ISO standards. Together with Dr. Friedel, the head of the Control Union Academy, and the Fachverband deutscher Webseiten-Betreiber (Association of German Website Operators), the IWTS certification program has been developed, which precisely defines all relevant contents, processes and regulations of the certification. More

The IWTS certification for websites

The International Website Trust Standard certifies websites (also referred to as web page) in four different areas of security. This means that users and end consumers can generally expect the highest possible level of trust in these websites and their website operators. More

Show that your website is secure!

The IWTS certification makes a significant contribution to security on the internet. All parties involved benefit from this. Both the website operators, who are helped by the security standard to set up and display their website in conformity with the law, and the users and end consumers, who thus enjoy a high level of security. More
IT security, your contribution with reason
Uncertainty & Hazard Situation

IT security Your contribution with reason

All Internet users are aware of the daily increasing dangers and the real damage that can occur. Laws and regulations often seem annoying. However, in order to offer real protection against the damage caused by the use of dangerous websites, the legal requirements must be implemented in practice.

How do you benefit from the IWTS-Standard?
Managing Director Michael Turko

How do you benefit from the certified website?

As a user and end user of websites, the IWTS seal on a website shows you that the owner has undergone a security check and the website has been certified as "secure". As a website owner, your security management will be rewarded by precise knowledge of security requirements and your website will be rewarded by higher acceptance.
Difference German & international standard
Security - act with trust

Difference German & international standard

Almost every country in the world has individual data protection and identification obligations for websites.
Therefore, the IWTS certification has different variants. There are country-specific, national standards, whose inspection areas are adapted to the respective country-specific characteristics, as well as the separate international standard.

IT security: Your contribution with reason

All Internet users are aware of the daily increasing dangers and the real damage that can occur. Laws and regulations often seem annoying. However, in order to offer real protection against the damage caused by the use of dangerous websites, the legal requirements must be implemented in practice.

How do you benefit from the certified website?

As a user and end user of websites, the IWTS seal on a website shows you that the owner has undergone a security inspection and the website has been certified as "secure". As a website owner, your security management will be rewarded by precise knowledge of security requirements and your website will be rewarded by higher acceptance.

Difference German & international standard

Almost every country in the world has individual data protection and identification obligations for websites.
Therefore, the IWTS certification has different variants. There are country-specific, national standards, whose inspection areas are adapted to the respective country-specific characteristics, as well as the separate international standard.
Joining forces in partnerships
Focus on cooperation

Joining forces in partnerships

The IWTS certification program is continuously developed and adapted.
In order to meet the high and increasingly complex requirements on the basis of professional competence, the Association of German Website Operators (FdWB) is constantly expanding its partnerships, including in the field of research.

Internationaler Aufbrauch Europa & Asien
Globale Probleme lösen

International awakening Europe & Asia

When it comes to the internet and international trade and business, security is no longer just a matter of regional interests.
Due to the high need for security in cross-border internet research and the search for new partnerships, the IWTS-Standard thus also focuses on secure communication, including SSL/TLS encryption.
What is checked during IWTS certification?
Ich kann's jedem zeigen

What is checked during IWTS certification?

An IWTS certification differs significantly in that instead of only one subject area, four different safety-relevant areas are inspected.
The focus is on cyber security, data protection, proof of ownership and identification obligations as well as user-friendliness of a website.

Joining forces in partnerships

The IWTS certification program is continuously developed and adapted.
In order to meet the high and increasingly complex requirements on the basis of professional competence, the Association of German Website Operators (FdWB) is constantly expanding its partnerships, including in the field of research.

International awakening Europe & Asia

When it comes to the internet and international trade and business, security is no longer just a matter of regional interests.
Due to the high need for security in cross-border internet research and the search for new partnerships, the IWTS-Standard thus also focuses on secure communication, including SSL/TLS encryption.

What is checked during IWTS certification?

An IWTS certification differs significantly in that instead of only one subject area, four different safety-relevant areas are inspected.
The focus is on cyber security, data protection, proof of ownership and identification obligations as well as user-friendliness of a website.

The certification body of the IWTS-Standard

IWTS certification is carried out by state-accredited certification bodies that work independently of any other institution according to ISO standards.
The certification guidelines are fixed for each inspection and are transparently documented in the IWTS program manual.

Certification procedure in the desk audit

In contrast to many other certification programs, no auditor comes to the site to perform the assessment. The examination and subsequent certification of the websites is carried out in a so-called desk audit by an auditor and a certifier in accordance with the dual control principle. The data transfer is completely electronic.

Cooperation with more competence for IWTS

The IWTS is an initiative of the Association of German Website Operators (FdWB). It is operated in cooperation with the certification body Control Union Germany as well as the Control Union Academy, and thus with experts from the fields of IT, international certification and science, and is constantly being further developed.